SBI Recruitment 2014: General English Tips

The State Bank of India is the leading public sector bank in India. SBI conducts recruitment exams throughout the year for various posts and job positions in their banks. SBI is one of the leading employment resources in India. If you want a job in a bank in India, SBI is the best option for you.

SBI Recruitment 2014

SBI conducts different recruitment exams for different posts including PO, Clerks and management trainees. In this article, we will discuss some General English tips, which is an important subject for all SBI recruitment exams

SBI exam English

Here are some tips to deal with different aspects of the English language paper

Grammar part: A major part of the SBI exam English language paper includes grammatical questions from topics including common errors, synonyms and antonyms, fill in the blanks, idioms and phrases, close tests, comprehension, spelling correction, sentence arrangement, one word substitution, etc. These are usually multiple choice questions. One need to be familiar of all above concepts of grammar in order to clear this section.

Build Vocabulary: In order to get success in the English paper of the bank exams, candidates must have good command over English language. Building good Vocabulary is a nice idea to deal with the questions of synonyms and antonyms and others. Learn new words daily and make notes of these words along with their synonyms and antonyms

Practice speaking: You can easily remember English words if you learn by speaking them. So, when you read an English book or learn new words, try to speak them out loud with their meanings. It will also improve your communication skills.

SBI Jobs 2014

Read Newspaper: Read English newspapers, Magazines, novels, speeches regularly

How to prepare for English Section of Bank Exams?

English language is one of the most common and the most important section of bank exams. Almost all major bank recruitment exams (IBPS SO, PO, Clerk, SBI, etc.) involve a paper of English language or verbal ability. In this post, we will discuss a brief guide and some tips for English paper of bank exams.

english study

Get familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus: Before you start with the preparation of English section, you must be aware of the subject-wise syllabus for the exam. Though most of the bank exams including IBPS do not reveal a specific list of the topics for particular subjects, but almost all banking exam papers cover the same English language topics. You can find a good list here or you can refer any bank exam book for English language syllabus.

Start with the Exercise: Once you get a list of the topics, you should start with the practice papers. Practice sample questions for each topic and make a list of the topics at which you are not strong. Now, you have a filtered list of the topics that need to be revised. Start reading these topics one by one from a standard book, and practice with the sample questions.

Practice is the best way to gain perfection in something. Once you finish reading a topic, practice as much as you can. You can easily find sample papers, English question-answers and Bank exam online test series if you search on the internet.

You can find a list of the English books here