IBPS Clerk Online Test Series

IBPS is a banking recruitment organization that conducts various banking recruitment exams for hiring of professionals to various banks in India. Some of the popular exams conducted by IBPS include

  3. IBPS Clerk CWE

IBPS Clerk exam is conducted once a year for recruitment of clerks in 18+ participating banks. The recruitment process involves an online examination that is conducted by IBPS common for all applicants. The online exam is followed by an interview conducted by IBPS and participating banks based on the merit list.

Candidates, who wish to join any of the leading banks of India for the post of Clerk, can apply for IBPS clerk exam as per the notification. The syllabus of IBPS clerk exam includes Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Awareness with special reference to banking industry, Computer knowledge and General English sections. IBPS clerk online test series is the best way to practice for IBPS clerk CWE exam.

You can easily find several IBPS Clerks online test series on various websites where you can also download or practice online with sample IBPS test papers, Aptitude Questions and previous years’ question papers. IBPS Clerk mock tests are also available for exam aspirants. These test papers will help you in better preparation for the exam and will also let you practice for all subjects and topics.

Students can find this IBPS clerk test series here. Free bank study material and practice tests are also available for candidates preparing for banking and other competitive exams. Good luck

How to prepare for English Section of Bank Exams?

English language is one of the most common and the most important section of bank exams. Almost all major bank recruitment exams (IBPS SO, PO, Clerk, SBI, etc.) involve a paper of English language or verbal ability. In this post, we will discuss a brief guide and some tips for English paper of bank exams.

english study

Get familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus: Before you start with the preparation of English section, you must be aware of the subject-wise syllabus for the exam. Though most of the bank exams including IBPS do not reveal a specific list of the topics for particular subjects, but almost all banking exam papers cover the same English language topics. You can find a good list here or you can refer any bank exam book for English language syllabus.

Start with the Exercise: Once you get a list of the topics, you should start with the practice papers. Practice sample questions for each topic and make a list of the topics at which you are not strong. Now, you have a filtered list of the topics that need to be revised. Start reading these topics one by one from a standard book, and practice with the sample questions.

Practice is the best way to gain perfection in something. Once you finish reading a topic, practice as much as you can. You can easily find sample papers, English question-answers and Bank exam online test series if you search on the internet.

You can find a list of the English books here

Why Banking Sector is the First choice for Jobs in India?

India is one of the biggest countries in the world, and is the second largest country in population. Only 30% of people in India have a decent job, remaining people are either looking of a job or are studying. We need a very solid and strong sector that can provide employment to our youngsters.

bank jobs
Banking sector has emerged as a very strong and trustworthy source for jobs in India. In past few years, thousands of people have joined many private and public sector banks for various positions. The best thing about bank jobs is that they provide opportunity to everyone from every field. No matter if you are an engineer, a commerce professional, an HR professional, an accountant, a management professional or any other graduate, bank has a job for you.

jobs in bank

This is the reason why bank jobs are so much popular in India. Apart from the wide range of opportunities, banking jobs are secure and safe. A person working in a bank gets good salary and also many other benefits. A bank job also brings reputation and respect for the candidate. There are many other benefits for a bank employee. You need not to leave your niche to be a part of a banking organization. You can appear for bank exams for your concerned post.

IBPS CWE and many other banking exams are conducted throughout the year for recruitment in various positions in banks.